Mr. Bee Died

Last night Mr. Bee died. I could tell he wasn’t OK yesterday evening. He was moving very slowly and didn’t go home as evening fell as he usually did. There was nothing I could do for him. It was the natural cycle of life. I assured him that he could die here in peace and I thanked him for his service.

I do actually feel grief and sadness over this. That may sound a bit ridiculous, but I raise plants just for the pollinator animals. When they show up to collect pollen it thrills me. This bee has come every day, working tirelessly on the marigolds. I sit on the back porch and watch him. I can’t do much to save the ecology of the planet but I can provide a refuge for bees and butterflies.

I found him this morning like this, passed on to bumble bee heaven, a small reminder of the transience of life and of the interconnectedness of all living things. That he chose to die on Mabon speaks to the changing seasons and the passage of time. We have spent a lot of time together and I will miss him.

#bumblebee #pollinators

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